(c) 2015, Chris Long <alcamie@gmail.com> <chlong@redhat.com>
This file is a module for Ansible that interacts with Network Manager
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(at your option) any later version.
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- Table of Contents
- This documentation is a work in progress.
- Why did I write an Ansible module for NetworkManager?
- bond specific * primary * miimon * downdelay * updelay * arp_interval * arp_ip_target
- bridge specific * stp * priority * forwarddelay * hellotime * maxage * ageingtime * mac * slavepriority * path_cost * hairpin
- vlan specific * vlanid * vlandev * flags * ingress * egress
- Exit Statuses
I will be trying to document as I code but there might be some instances where the documentation is slightly out of sync. I apologise in advance for that but my attempts to stay synced are closely aligned with me getting the code to a working state. So fingers crossed, it should stay interpretable enough.
The main reason I started writing this module was because I was building or should I say rebuilding an OpenStack undercloud the N'th time and I was sick of having to write Jinja templates for configuring the interfaces and then write all of the supporting playbook guff to manage deployment and consequent network management shell cmds for one type of interface and then rewrite it again for another type of interface.
This makes things simple, quick and extremely flexible. E.g. You can build multiple bond interfaces with assorted NIC configurations and deploy them within a couple of minutes. If you're not happy with bonding, you can, in a few seconds, change the configuration to team and team-slaves and redeploy that in a couple of minutes just by changing the 'type'. At the moment, the playbook process here would be:
- Create bond
- create bond-slave
- deploy 'playbook-add.yml'
- decide you want teams not bonds
- Remove above connection 'playbook-del.yml'
- in 'playbook-add.yml' change bond to team and bond-slave to team-slave
- deploy 'playbook-add.yml' and voila, you now have teams rather than bonds.
Warning. Make sure that you do not change your "management NIC" or add it to one of the new connections as you could lose connectivity to your remote machine
module: nmcli
author: Chris Long
short_description: Manage Networking
requirements: [ nmcli, dbus ]
Manage the network devices. Create, modify, and manage, ethernet, teams, bonds, vlans etc.
required: True
default: "present"
choices: [ present, absent ]
- Whether the device should exist or not, taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
required: False
default: "yes"
choices: [ "yes", "no" ]
- Whether the service should start on boot. B(At least one of state and enabled are required.)
- Whether the connection profile can be automatically activated ( default: yes)
required: False
default: None
choices: [ add, modify, show, up, down ]
- Set to 'add' if you want to add a connection.
- Set to 'modify' if you want to modify a connection. Modify one or more properties in the connection profile.
- Set to 'delete' if you want to delete a connection. Delete a configured connection. The connection to be deleted is identified by its name 'cfname'.
- Set to 'show' if you want to show a connection. Will show all devices unless 'cfname' is set.
- Set to 'up' if you want to bring a connection up. Requires 'cfname' to be set.
- Set to 'down' if you want to bring a connection down. Requires 'cfname' to be set.
required: True
default: None
- Where CNAME will be the name used to call the connection. when not provided a default name is generated: [-][-]
required: False
default: cname
- Where INAME will be the what we call the interface name. Required with 'up', 'down' modifiers.
- interface to bind the connection to. The connection will only be applicable to this interface name.
- A special value of "*" can be used for interface-independent connections.
- The ifname argument is mandatory for all connection types except bond, team, bridge and vlan.
required: False
default: None
choices: [ ethernet, team, team-slave, bond, bond-slave, bridge, vlan ]
- This is the type of device or network connection that you wish to create.
required: False
choices: [ "balance-rr", "active-backup", "balance-xor", "broadcast", "802.3ad", "balance-tlb", "balance-alb" ]
default: None
- This is the type of device or network connection that you wish to create for a bond, team or bridge. (NetworkManager default: balance-rr)
required: False
default: None
- master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or cname) of bridge, team, bond master connection profile.
required: False
default: None
- The IPv4 address to this interface using this format ie: ""
required: False
default: None
- The IPv4 gateway for this interface using this format ie: ""
required: False
default: None
- A list of upto 3 dns servers, ipv4 format e.g. To add two IPv4 DNS server addresses: ['""']
required: False
default: None
- The IPv6 address to this interface using this format ie: "abbe::cafe"
required: False
default: None
- The IPv6 gateway for this interface using this format ie: "2001:db8::1"
required: False
default: None
- A list of upto 3 dns servers, ipv6 format e.g. To add two IPv6 DNS server addresses: ['"2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844"']
required: False
default: None
- The connection MTU, e.g. 9000. This can't be applied when creating the interface and is done once the interface has been created. (NetworkManager default: 1500)
- Can be used when modifying Team, VLAN, Ethernet (Future plans to implement wifi, pppoe, infiniband)
###Bond specific
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bond and is the primary interface name (for "active-backup" mode), this is the usually the 'ifname'
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bond - miimon (NetworkManager default: 100)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bond - downdelay (NetworkManager default: 0)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bond - updelay (NetworkManager default: 0)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bond - ARP interval (NetworkManager default: 0)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bond - ARP IP target
###Bridge specific
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bridge and controls whether Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is enabled for this bridge
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bridge - sets STP priority (NetworkManager default: 128)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bridge - [forward-delay <2-30>] STP forwarding delay, in seconds (NetworkManager default: 15)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bridge - [hello-time <1-10>] STP hello time, in seconds (NetworkManager default: 2)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bridge - [max-age <6-42>] STP maximum message age, in seconds (NetworkManager default: 20)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bridge - [ageing-time <0-1000000>] the Ethernet MAC address aging time, in seconds (NetworkManager default: 300)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with bridge - MAC address of the bridge (note: this requires a recent kernel feature, originally introduced in 3.15 upstream kernel)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with 'bridge-slave' - [<0-63>] - STP priority of this slave (default: 32)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with 'bridge-slave' - [<1-65535>] - STP port cost for destinations via this slave (NetworkManager default: 100)
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with 'bridge-slave' - 'hairpin mode' for the slave, which allows frames to be sent back out through the slave the frame was received on. (NetworkManager default: yes)
###VLAN specific
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with VLAN - VLAN ID in range <0-4095>
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with VLAN - parent device this VLAN is on, can use ifname
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with VLAN - flags
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with VLAN - VLAN ingress priority mapping
required: False
default: None
- This is only used with VLAN - VLAN egress priority mapping
The following examples are working examples that I have run in the field. I followed follow the structure:
| /group_vars/openstack-stage.yml
| /host_vars/controller-01.openstack.host.com
| /host_vars/controller-02.openstack.host.com
| /playbook-add.yml
| /playbook-del.yml
storage_gw: ""
external_gw: ""
tenant_gw: ""
#Team vars
- {cname: 'tenant', ip4: "{{tenant_ip}}", gw4: "{{tenant_gw}}"}
- {cname: 'external', ip4: "{{external_ip}}", gw4: "{{external_gw}}"}
- {cname: 'storage', ip4: "{{storage_ip}}", gw4: "{{storage_gw}}"}
- {cname: 'em1', ifname: 'em1', master: 'tenant'}
- {cname: 'em2', ifname: 'em2', master: 'tenant'}
- {cname: 'p2p1', ifname: 'p2p1', master: 'storage'}
- {cname: 'p2p2', ifname: 'p2p2', master: 'external'}
#bond vars
- {cname: 'tenant', ip4: "{{tenant_ip}}", gw4: '', mode: 'balance-rr'}
- {cname: 'external', ip4: "{{external_ip}}", gw4: '', mode: 'balance-rr'}
- {cname: 'storage', ip4: "{{storage_ip}}", gw4: "{{storage_gw}}", mode: 'balance-rr'}
- {cname: 'em1', ifname: 'em1', master: 'tenant'}
- {cname: 'em2', ifname: 'em2', master: 'tenant'}
- {cname: 'p2p1', ifname: 'p2p1', master: 'storage'}
- {cname: 'p2p2', ifname: 'p2p2', master: 'external'}
#ethernet vars
- {cname: 'em1', ifname: 'em1', ip4: "{{tenant_ip}}", gw4: "{{tenant_gw}}"}
- {cname: 'em2', ifname: 'em2', ip4: "{{tenant_ip1}}", gw4: "{{tenant_gw}}"}
- {cname: 'p2p1', ifname: 'p2p1', ip4: "{{storage_ip}}", gw4: "{{storage_gw}}"}
- {cname: 'p2p2', ifname: 'p2p2', ip4: "{{external_ip}}", gw4: "{{external_gw}}"}
storage_ip: ""
external_ip: ""
tenant_ip: ""
- hosts: openstack-stage
remote_user: root
- name: install needed network manager libs
yum: name={{ item }} state=installed
- libnm-qt-devel.x86_64
- nm-connection-editor.x86_64
- libsemanage-python
- policycoreutils-python
##### Working with all cloud nodes - Teaming
- name: try nmcli add team - cname only & ip4 gw4
nmcli: type=team cname={{item.cname}} ip4={{item.ip4}} gw4={{item.gw4}} state=present
- "{{nmcli_team}}"
- name: try nmcli add teams-slave
nmcli: type=team-slave cname={{item.cname}} ifname={{item.ifname}} master={{item.master}} state=present
- "{{nmcli_team_slave}}"
###### Working with all cloud nodes - Bonding
# - name: try nmcli add bond - cname only & ip4 gw4 mode
# nmcli: type=bond cname={{item.cname}} ip4={{item.ip4}} gw4={{item.gw4}} mode={{item.mode}} state=present
# with_items:
# - "{{nmcli_bond}}"
# - name: try nmcli add bond-slave
# nmcli: type=bond-slave cname={{item.cname}} ifname={{item.ifname}} master={{item.master}} state=present
# with_items:
# - "{{nmcli_bond_slave}}"
##### Working with all cloud nodes - Ethernet
# - name: nmcli add Ethernet - cname only & ip4 gw4
# nmcli: type=ethernet cname={{item.cname}} ip4={{item.ip4}} gw4={{item.gw4}} state=present
# with_items:
# - "{{nmcli_ethernet}}"
- hosts: openstack-stage
remote_user: root
- name: try nmcli del team - multiple
nmcli: cname={{item.cname}} state=absent
- { cname: 'em1'}
- { cname: 'em2'}
- { cname: 'p1p1'}
- { cname: 'p1p2'}
- { cname: 'p2p1'}
- { cname: 'p2p2'}
- { cname: 'tenant'}
- { cname: 'storage'}
- { cname: 'external'}
- { cname: 'team-em1'}
- { cname: 'team-em2'}
- { cname: 'team-p1p1'}
- { cname: 'team-p1p2'}
- { cname: 'team-p2p1'}
- { cname: 'team-p2p2'}
#Exit Status's: nmcli exits with status 0 if it succeeds, a value greater than 0 is returned if an error occurs.
- 0 Success - indicates the operation succeeded
- 1 Unknown or unspecified error
- 2 Invalid user input, wrong nmcli invocation
- 3 Timeout expired (see --wait option)
- 4 Connection activation failed
- 5 Connection deactivation failed
- 6 Disconnecting device failed
- 7 Connection deletion failed
- 8 NetworkManager is not running
- 9 nmcli and NetworkManager versions mismatch
- 10 Connection, device, or access point does not exist.