
Dockerfile broken?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When I try to run your dockerfile, I seem to get an error about this line failing:
COPY R/Makevars /root/.R/Makevars

If I comment that out, I get an issue with compiling rstan, which I am unsure about how to resolve:

make: *** [lang__grammars__expression_grammar_inst.o] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘rstan’
* removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rstan’

which I have yet to find a workaround that works properly. Would you know how to fix this so rstan compiles correctly?
EDIT::Sorry, after adding the Makevars file, the image seems to work. Can you explain what exactly the Makevars file does for the container? Not sure I fully understand why it is needed.
Related: stan-dev/rstan#441

@pgensler were you able to get this to work?

@ignacio82 let me check my build logs, my container is here FYI:

Yes I think it's working, I'm not sure if I have the correct flags for my compiler. I think my Makevars file was not copying over correctly, which was causing the error.