Sensorless homing issue with 2240
Opened this issue · 12 comments
Got sensorless homing working fine with FYSETC TMC2240 and the following config:
[tmc2240 stepper_x]
spi_software_mosi_pin: PB15
spi_software_miso_pin: PB14
spi_software_sclk_pin: PB13
cs_pin: PC11
diag0_pin: ^!PB3
interpolate: False
run_current: 0.7
driver_SGT: 3
stealthchop_threshold: 0
When adding Autotune it seems to ignore the sgt parameter and always slam the toolhead on the gantry until motor skip steps:
[autotune_tmc stepper_x]
motor: fysetc-35hsh7402-24b-60a
sgt: -60
For reference previsouly, with 2209 sensorless worked fine with autotune
Same Issue with LDO Leviathan TMC5160 A/B Drivers.
I got it working by disabling TMC Autotune. With autotune acitve it slams and skips steps until I hit the emergency stop.
What's your homing speed for the 2240?
Usually 40, but tried with as low as 20. Without Autotune it works fine, add autotune and it crashes. Also even using extreme values like sgt -60 seems to have no effect. Toolhead should not even move with such low value. Looks like it is just ignoring the SGT value at all
Also 40, sensorless homing works with autotune deactivated on a/b driver.
You need the driver value IN THE AUTORUNE SECTION just like the docs say.
Why would you have 3 in your config block (that autotune ignores) and -60 in the autotune section??
Erick, according to autotune doc, the parameter is only "sgt" (not driver_sgt).
The "3" in the config block is the original value that works fine WITHOUT Autotune and as you mentioned is not doing anything so I did not bother to remove. The "-60" in autotune section is the most sensitive setting, just to show that even with the most sensitive setting it will still crash.
You need the driver value IN THE AUTORUNE SECTION just like the docs say.
Why would you have 3 in your config block (that autotune ignores) and -60 in the autotune section??
What is homing speed and homing current?
I have working 2240 examples on my GitHub sensorless guide
What is homing speed and homing current?
I have working 2240 examples on my GitHub sensorless guide
Hi Eric, a group of my friends and I from a 3D printing Discord are having trouble with the Manta M8P V2, TMC2240s and LDO Kraken motors are having trouble with sensorless homing, would you be able to help?
I've searched your GitHub but I can't seem to find the sensorless guide.
Some help with Auto tune would be good too, thanks. 🙏🏻
Start there
Thank you so much, I appreciate it.