`Table#allColumns` doesn't return a valid collection unless one of the other `*Columns` or `type` properties are accessed
jayrave opened this issue · 0 comments
jayrave commented
fun `test allColumns returns a valid collection`() {
val usersTable = UsersTable()
private data class User(val id: String, val name: String, val age: Int)
private class UsersTable : Table<User, UUID>("users") {
val id by col(User::id, id = true)
val userName by col(User::name)
val age by col(User::age)
override fun create(value: Value<User>): User {
return User(value of id, value of userName, value of age)
override fun idColumns(id: UUID): Set<Pair<Column<User, *>, *>> {
return setOf(this.id to id)