Question about modeling 1-N relationship with mapper
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pjagielski commented
I wanted to model simple domain with 1-N relationship. I have this query working in core
select * from scores s join users u where s.created_at > '${date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd")}' order by s.score desc limit 20
But don't know how to model it with mapper
. With Exposed
it's as simple as this:
object Users : Table() {
val id = integer("id").primaryKey()
val login = text("login")
object Scores : Table() {
val score = integer("score")
val createdAt = date("created_at")
val userId = integer("user_id") references
override fun findAll(): List<Score> {
return (Scores innerJoin Users).select { Scores.createdAt.greater( }
.orderBy(Scores.score, false)
.map { r -> Score(r[Scores.score], r[Users.login]) }
I got something like this but, obviously, login
is set to empty string:
class User(val id: Int, val login: String = "")
class PersistentScore(val id: Int, val user: User, score: Int) : Score(score, user.login)
object userConverter : SimpleConverter<User>(
{ row, c -> User( },
val tableConfig = TableConfiguration(
defaults = standardDefaults + reifiedValue(User(0)),
converters = standardConverters + reifiedConverter(userConverter)
object userTable: Table<User, Int>("users", tableConfig) {
val Id by col(User::id, id = true)
val LoginVal by col(User::login)
override fun create(value: Value<User>): User =
User(value of Id, value of LoginVal)
override fun idColumns(id: Int) = setOf(Id of id)
object scoreTable : Table<PersistentScore, Int>("scores", tableConfig) {
val Id by col(PersistentScore::id, id = true)
val ScoreVal by col(PersistentScore::score, name = "score")
val UserId by col(PersistentScore::user)
override fun create(value: Value<PersistentScore>): PersistentScore =
PersistentScore(value of Id, value of UserId, value of ScoreVal)
override fun idColumns(id: Int) = setOf(Id of id)
fun findScores(): List<PersistentScore> {
val name = "findScores"
val sql = sql(name) { "select * from ${} where created_at > :date order by score desc limit 10" }
return, mapOf("date" to"yyyy-MM-dd")), options(name), table.rowMapper())
Any help?
andrewoma commented
Hi Piotr,
Have a look at
This is an example of fetching a related entity with joins using mappers.
pjagielski commented
Ok, thanks