
Some questions about training and testing shift model

ruizewang opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello, I have some questions when training and testing, which make me bothered.

  • The parameter you used for training shift model is the default parameter of the code you provied?
  • You said: "In my experiments, the model took something like 2K iterations to reach chance performance (loss:label = 0.693), and 11K iterations to do better than chance (loss:label = 0.692). So, for a long time it looked like the model was stuck at chance."
    So my question is, after the model can do better than chance, and the "loss:label" will decrease faster?
  • when do testing, I mean the testing you calculate the accuracy on the test set as mentioned in your paper. In your paper, you mentioned We found that the model obtained 59.9% accuracy on held-out videos for its alignment task (chance = 50%). My question is, the parameter "do_shift" should set to False or True? When I set it to True, the accuracy is 0.50633484. Set to False, I got an accuracy of 0.43133482. Both are quite different from the 0.599 reported in your paper. By the way, I use the same code reading dataset, I use the pre-trained model you provided. The dataset is generated from AudioSet.

Here is the code for testing, I only add a function in "class NetClf" in the "".

    def test_accuracy(self, reset=True):
        gpus = mu.set_gpus(self.gpu)
        print('Loading Model')
        if self.sess is None:
            print 'Running on:', gpus

            with tf.device(gpus[0]):
                if reset:

                pr =
                pr_test = pr.copy()
                self.sess = tf.Session()
                pr_test.augment_ims = False
                print 'pr_test ='
                print pr_test

                print('loading dataset...')
                with tf.device('/cpu:0'):

                    rec_files = shift_dset.rec_files_from_path(pr_test.test_list)
                    total_examples = len(rec_files)*8841
                    total_batch = int(total_examples/pr.test_batch)
                    print('the number of total examples:',total_examples)
                    print('the number of total batch:',total_batch)

                    self.test_ims, self.test_samples = mu.on_cpu(
                        lambda: shift_dset.make_db_reader(
                            pr_test.test_list, pr_test, pr.test_batch, ['im', 'samples'], one_pass=True))
                    print 'sample shape:', shape(self.test_samples) # [10, 87587, 2]

                    if pr_test.do_shift:
                        print('do shifting...')
                        self.test_labels = tf.random_uniform([shape(self.test_ims, 0)], 0, 2, dtype=tf.int64)
                        self.test_samples = tf.where(tf.equal(self.test_labels, 1), self.test_samples[:, 1],
                                                     self.test_samples[:, 0])

                        self.test_labels = tf.ones(shape(self.test_ims, 0), dtype=tf.int64)
                        # self.test_samples = tf.where(tf.equal(self.test_labels, 1), self.test_samples[:, 1], self.test_samples[:, 0])

                print('make net')
                self.test_net = make_net(self.test_ims, self.test_samples, pr_test, reuse=False, train=False)

                self.coord = tf.train.Coordinator()
                self.init_op =, tf.local_variables_initializer())

                tf.train.Saver().restore(self.sess, self.model_path)    

                print('Start testing...')
                tf.train.start_queue_runners(self.sess, coord=self.coord)
                self.total_acc = []
                i = 0
                    while not self.coord.should_stop():
                        start = ut.now_sec()

                        predict_logits =  
                        predict_logits = np.squeeze(predict_logits) 

                        predict_labels = np.array(predict_logits > 0).astype(np.int64)  

                        labels =

                        correct_list = (predict_labels == labels)
                        acc = np.mean(np.array(correct_list).astype(np.float32))
                        i += 1

                        print 'Iter: %d/%d, Accuracy: %s, time: %.3f' % (i, total_batch, acc,ut.now_sec() - start)
                except tf.errors.OutOfRangeError:  
                    print('Test Done!')

        return np.mean(np.array(self.total_acc)) 

And do testing like this:

import shift_net, shift_params, numpy as np
import time

pr = shift_params.shift_v1()

model_file = '../results/nets/shift/'

gpu = '3'

start_time = time.time()

clf = shift_net.NetClf(pr, model_file, gpu=gpu)
accuray = clf.test_accuracy()

end_time = time.time()
print('cost time: {} s'.format(end_time-start_time))