
first time usage experience: app does not open, missing mkdir -p ~/.config/git-annex

Opened this issue · 2 comments

To improve the first time usage experience (i.e., to ensure the app starts at all), please create the ~/.config-git-annex/ directory if it does not exist yet. In Detail:

Steps to reproduce my first time usage experience:

  • I freshly installed git-annex using brew install git-annex
  • I downloaded the git-annex-turtle v0.2 dmg, copied the app to /Applications
  • Double-clicking the app shows warnings about unidentified developer.
  • I bypassed the warning by right-clicking the turtle app, selecting open, confirming I wish to open. Nothing happens, the app does not seem to start.

Analysis of the problem:
Running the git-annex-turtle executable from inside the .app's package contents revealed the problem:

$ /Applications/ ; exit;
2018-12-16 10:13:29.372 git-annex-turtle[25683:1210906] [info] Launching git-annex-turtle @AppDelegate.swift->init() line #29
2018-12-16 10:13:29.409 git-annex-turtle[25683:1210906] [error] Unable to create configuration file at /Users/johannes/.config/git-annex/turtle-monitor @Config.swift->init(dataPath:) line #24
Good morning! And in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight.
  --Truman Burbank

[Process completed]


mkdir -p ~/.config/git-annex

Thank you for finding the root cause of the issue and filing and detailed bug report. Will fix as soon as possible.

Fixed in latest unstable build —0.3-fc37ade. Will be included in the next release.