
`ß` should be `ss` not `s`

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In German a ß should be replaced by ss. See

Regel 160:

  1. Fehlt das ß auf der Tastatur eines Computers oder einer Schreibmaschine, schreibt man dafür ss. In der Schweiz kann das ß generell durch ss ersetzt werden <§ 25 E2>.

Rule 160:

  1. In case the ß is missing on the keyboard, ss can be used instead. In Switzerland ß can be replaced by ss in general.

I'm a native German speaker and I can confirm that Fußball and Weißbier should become Fussball and Weissbier.

Thanks, really appreciate it. Is there a capital version? For example a character that transforms into "SS" ?

Nope, there's no capital version of ß in German. In case someone upper cases Fußball the rule is to turn it into "SS" resulting in FUSSBALL. FUßBALL does not exist.