
Detect if door opener light is on

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I have setup my garage door controller to add "doors" that turn on/off the lights on the garage door openers. What type of sensor would I need to use to determine if the light on a particular opener is on or off? I currently have the state_pin for the lights set to the pin for the opener it is on, so I have no idea if the light is on or off. I have a camera in the garage and use this app to turn the light on to be able to see.

I hope that makes sense.


Hi there! That sounds like a great setup you have going on with your garage door controller. To determine if the light is on or off, you can use a photoresistor or a light-dependent resistor (LDR) sensor. These sensors work by detecting the amount of light in the environment and outputting a corresponding voltage or resistance value. By monitoring this value, you can determine if the light is on or off. I hope this helps and if you need any further assistance contact Poquoson Quick Service don't hesitate to reach out.

Hi there! For your garage door setup, you may want to use a light sensor to determine if the light on a particular opener is on or off. This will allow you to accurately control the lights based on the state of the opener. You could also consider using a smart Garage Door light bulb that can be controlled through your app, which would eliminate the need for a separate sensor. Good luck with your project!