
Tiny utility to generate a JSON Schema for the DigitalOcean App Spec from OpenAPI.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tiny utility to generate a JSON Schema for the DigitalOcean App Spec from OpenAPI.

$ node index.js --help
Usage: app-platform-json-schema [options]

  --spec       Location of the bundled DigitalOcean OpenAPI spec; path or URL (Default: https://api-engineering.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/spec-ci/DigitalOcean-public.v2.yaml)
  --optput     Path for output location (Default: app_spec.json)

The outputted JSON Schema is suitable for use with the Red Hat VS Code YAML plugin to provide validation and auto-completion when editing an App Spec for DigitalOcean's App Platform.

With the YAML plugin installed, you can associate the schema with app.yaml and app.yml files by adding the following to your VS Code user and workspace settings:

    "yaml.schemas": {
      "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/andrewsomething/app-platform-json-schema/main/app_spec.json": ["app.yaml", "app.yml"],