
Cannot Retrieve from FindRelated

BrooklynnZhu opened this issue · 1 comments

I am Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto. I am working on a joint project with my advisors. And we are using PubHarvester and FindRelated softwares to retrieve data from PubMed. First of all, I wish to thank you for maintaining these wonderful softwares.

However, I cannot retrieve any related papers by using FindRelated softwares. I consistently receive messages indicating that the remote server returned an error. Please see screenshot and the log file in the attachment.

Just in case this is relevant information: the ODBC data source name in the FindRelated is Publication Harvester. I also use the Publication Harvester as the ODBC data source name in the PubHarvester, which I have no problem retrieving and downloading data.

Please let me know how I can solve the issue. Thank you very much!


Screenshot 2019-04-23 12 26 31

Sorry you're having trouble. The 403 error is coming from the NCBI server that FindRelated connects to when it makes a request like this one: – that worked just fine for me, so I'm not sure why it's giving you a 403 error. Are you possibly behind a proxy server?

Also, it looks like you may be using an old version of the software. Here's a link to the latest version: – try that and see if it helps. The old version used HTTP, the current version uses HTTPS.

You might also consider getting an API key – see this page for details: – and put it in a file called api_key.txt in the same folder as FindRelated.exe.