
Suggest properties for wikirepo

andrewtavis opened this issue · 2 comments

Please use this issue to suggest Wikidata properties that could be added to wikirepo. With the suggestion it would be great to get the following:

  • The link to the property page on Wikidata
  • A suggestion of which category (demographic, economic, etc) the property should go into
  • [Optional] how the query script should be written (see examples/add_property to make suggestions for how the module header should be structured)

Accepted property suggestions would then be converted to good first issues for wikirepo. Pull requests with new properties following the process of examples/add_property would also gladly be accepted! Documentation could also be done fur such issues or PRs, or could also be a separate issue.

Thanks for your interest in supporting this project :)

I'd like to work on this but firstly i'd like to give this a detailed read so will let you know once i'm done.

Sounds good :) Thanks for your interest!