
Remote Access to SMS Codes (2FA, banking, etc), run on a Mac with Messages in the Cloud enabled

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SMS Code Remote Access

Provides remote access to SMS codes (2FA, banking, etc) sent to your iPhone, via a Mac with Messages in the Cloud enabled.

If you:

  • need other people (significant other, virtual assistant, etc) to see 2-factor/banking/etc codes sent over SMS to your iPhone,
  • and you have an always-on Mac (like an iMac or Mac Mini),
  • and you have Messages in the Cloud enabled,
  • and you have a static IP address at home (or some way to connect from outside),

run this daemon, and it'll display a web page with the last 10 SMS messages containing authorization codes sent to your phone.



  • Make sure you have Messages in the Cloud enabled, and see SMS messages in the Messages app on your Mac.

The easy way:

  • TODO: make binary releases and/or Homebrew recipe!
  • or maybe even build a Mac app...

The hard way:

  1. Install Go via Homebrew: brew install go (make sure you have Homebrew installed first, of course)

  2. Install this app via Go: go get -u github.com/andreyvit/smscoderemoteaccess

  3. Prepare a JSON config file, see config-example.json for example.

  4. Make sure Terminal can access your messages database. Open Terminal and run head -1 ~/Library/Messages/chat.db; do whatever dance necessary to get that to run (might include adding Terminal.app/iTerm.app to Full Disk Access permissions preference pane),

  5. Run ~/go/bin/smscoderemoteaccess -f path/to/your/config.json.

  6. Set up your router to forward whatever port you have configured in config JSON to your Mac.

To use:

  1. Open http://host:port/ in your browser, where host is your external IP address (or domain name) and port is the port you have configured on your router.

  2. Authenticate with the username and password from the config file.