
Flip Ruler

dffuller opened this issue · 8 comments

Probably not as useful for horizontal orientation, but for vertical orientation, it's useful for people looking to measure from the bottom of, say, a graph to the top of a bar or line, rather than position the ruler on the bar and then measure down. If we could flip the orientation so that the bottom of the rule stays constant and we adjust the top of the ruler to measure, life would be easier. Small thing, but I think it would be useful for more people than just me.

I agree, ruler should be able to do this. As ruler is implemented in Windows Forms stack, I think there is some kind of limitation for this feature, but I'll need to check.

I will try to implement this enhancement

@andrijac I have got this enhancement done, i can submit a pull request.

Hi Isaac, here is the issue. As I understood, when ruler is vertical, we should be able to resize by pulling upper side of ruler and leave bottom fixed. Same as it works for bottom side today.
What you did in your PR is just to draw a content of ruler in different direction, it doesn't change the functionality of ruler.

@andrijac i agree i read this ticket incorrectly,

@andrijac i think you can do this but it will require a bit of coding

@andrijac i can make it where when it is vertical it can only be changed vertically however it resized from the bottom, i and when horizontal it can only be changed on the right. but i cannot create the fix for this specific issue changing size from the top and or from the left when horizontal sorry.

Implemented in #45