Program to organize media files. I like the structure that Lighroom uses when I import my photos and wanted a similar solution for when I'm on the go or backing up content out of the camera. This allows me to dump my photos and videos into an ingestion folder, then run the tool to read the metadata and organize media into folders based on the creation date.
The file structure looks like This
- DESTINATION that was listed in the cli argument
- year ex.
- full ISO date ex.
files go here. File names are preserved.sooc
- 'jpg' files are saved here with original name
- full ISO date ex.
- year ex.
- year
- full ISO date
- file with original name
- full ISO date
- year
Grab a binary from the releases.
mediaarrangelr [--dryrun] SOURCE DESTINATION
Setting dryrun
will not run any changes on the file system.
- Finish implementing all tests
- add filter feature to limit the run to certain filetypes
- add option to skip sooc for jpg
- rewrite the github page summery and the readme
- release new version
- post on reddit
- add progress bar to scanning
- add concurency to scanning