
New methods

uts-kiki opened this issue · 5 comments

Can we close app programaticly, and can we somehow run app as process ,or in background.??? thanks

@uts-kiki what is your purpose?

10x for fast reply.I am building tracking app for school digital diary of students, and I need to know location of tablet...There is some cases when someone get tablets and keep them few days away from school...Basically I need to start app send to my mail location of tablet, 3 times per day, and that is it...I can not use goole service for that , because I have 25 tablets , and I need to open 25 google account, one per tablet, and that way is not eficient for me...In my way I have better solution for school...

10x for fast reply.I am building tracking app for school digital diary of students, and I need to know location of tablet...There is some cases when someone get tablets and keep them few days away from school...Basically I need to start app send to my mail location of tablet, 3 times per day, and that is it...I can not use goole service for that , because I have 25 tablets , and I need to open 25 google account, one per tablet, and that way is not eficient for me...In my way I have better solution for school...


i think its not proper that use this program for your purpose

so u should find out other solution

if u wanna try this open source program u have to test with this link in androidjs program

Metod app.location.get() do not exist????

Metod app.location.get() do not exist????

it exist but Isn't that what you want to do when it's not in the foreground?