
Icons not filling the space

JKDos opened this issue · 4 comments

JKDos commented

I've tried different sizes such as 512x512 or 1024x1024. Every time I load the app to my phone, the icon is shrunk very small and placed in a white circle. What gives? Solution?

Hey @JKDos ,
It shouldn't happen, can you elaborate more?
and can you try building any of the same apps, are they working fine or not?

JKDos commented


Apps compile just fine and run fine, but the icons are not working correctly. Here is an example. The icon.png image is shrunk small and shoved into a white circle rather than filling the circle. This is a screenshot of my phone's home screen.


I think, is it actually based in your phone's theme.
Can you try installing them on different phone?

JKDos commented

I can try to get a friend with a different Android to test it. I am using a Pixel 4XL, so I don't have a theme. Pure vanilla Google Android.

EDT: I should add, I've published an app through Android Studios and did not have this problem. This is only related to androidjs