
Add support for official 7inch touch display

HoWilgh opened this issue · 50 comments

Can you please add support for the official 7 inch touch display?
This is needed to use the RPi with the display as tablet like system.

See the discussions like
Tanks in advance,

I couldn't get it to work using the links you gave, is there something else you have to do to get it working?

Any advance on this issue? I really like to use the touchscreen.

I'm very interested in trying to implement this feature too found some information about how to use the touchscreen on a custom kernel. Maybe this helps. Please see...

You're really waiting for anholt/linux#8. Until then, you may have some luck with merging in current rpi-4.4.y and using vc4-fkms-v3d instead of vc4-kms-v3d for the overlay (though you lose other modesetting features by doing so).

it seems to work for me (display+touch), sort of, not perfect. i tried on android-7.1.0-r7 and modified the kernel compile options quite a bit:


i am quite sure not all of those are required.

ARCH=arm scripts/kconfig/ arch/arm/configs/bcm2709_defconfig android/configs/android-base.cfg android/configs/android-recommended.cfg ~/my.cfg

… is your friend, btw.

it worked for me with vc4-kms-v3d only. using vc4-fkms-v3d the 4 raspberry boot-logos are displayed (which is nice and that does not work with vc4-kms-v3d), but nothing was shown on the display as soon as the android gui starts.

some the first dialog was dissorted and starting something within settings (ie about) crashes with a null pointer reference, IIRC. i've seen no virtual keyboard so far, no navigation buttons and no notification bar. the screen was off by about 3cm horizontaly, shifted to the right side. after writing (IIRC) 800x480 to /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:gpu/graphics/fb0/virtual_size , the display offset was adjusted and from that point on positioned ok.

the touch was fine all time. i think CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_RPI_FT5406=y does the trick.

Hmm, I tried to update /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:gpu/graphics/fb0/virtual_size with 800x480 but the screen went blank.

As for the keyboard, navigation buttons not showing, change ro.sf.lcd_dentisty to 128 in the build.prop

@cunliffe yes, screen goes blank (in my case it shows the text console - "A N D R O I D" is displayed) and as soon as you touch or swipe the touchscreen, the image appears without offset - at least in my case. but note all the other things i've turned on. maybe it works that way just because the virtual consoles are there in the "background". i also see quite some sort of little flicker when i swipe lists. it is not extraordinary smooth as usual (i thought that was because of the virtual consoles - so next time i compile the kernel, i will try without the VCs).

keyboard: so close! i set it to 136 or sthg … will try 128. thanks!!!

i get less flicker / less "not so responsive display", if framebuffer console is not compiled in. virtual console could stay there but i think it is quite useless without the framebuffer console.

i've tried now to minimize the kernel changes from above to get things (display+touch) going:


maybe let me note the following: if the module setup is correct, it may be possible to have most of the above kernel features compiled as modules. i don't know yet (i am quite new to this raspi thingies) how this devicetree and overloading stuff works, but that mechanism could possibly load those modules.

to work without external keyboard, i'd recommend to add LatinIME (and maybe OpenWnn) to PRODUCT_PACKAGES in device/brcm/rpi3/ Terminal and SpareParts can be useful for development as well. a notificationbar may make sense also: device/brcm/rpi3/overlay/frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml (change .tv.TvStatusBar to .tablet.TabletStatusBar). [somehow off-topic, i know]

@nikiwaibel Thanks for that configuration. Unfortunately I face the same issues as @cunliffe. Android boots correctly, but the picture is shifted to the right and the touchscreen doesn't work at all :(

@ikalkov, using your rtandroid build, if you add dtoverlay=rpi-ft5406 into the config.txt and add the rpi-ft5406.dtbo file in the overlays folder, the touchscreen will work.

Tried to build the kernel with @nikiwaibel config over the weekend, but for some reason it keeps crashing after the rainbow screen :(

here is my config.txt:

initramfs ramdisk.img 0x01f00000
#dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d,cma-256 (orig)

@cunliffe : i've edited my post above and removed one of the kernel config lines (CONFIG_VIDEO_BCM2835_MMAL=y). that caused a loop/crash in my case as well. the above works for me, except for the backlight … that is on by 100% all time (the brightness slider in android is ignored).

and here my system.prop patch:

--- system.prop.orig 2016-10-23 15:19:43.921014860 +0200
+++ system.prop 2016-10-23 21:41:34.894890055 +0200
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@

@ikalkov :

echo "800x480" > /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:gpu/graphics/fb0/virtual_size

even during the 'android' animation is playing fixes the offset for me. but this is not permanent :( next time you boot, the same issue.

let's see if android-7.1.1_r6 changes something (i've tried android-7.1.0_r7 above)

I will close the issue as the required configuration options were posted above. Additionally, there is a patch file showing the minimal changes to make it work:

I followed @nikiwaibel steps to try the touchscreen working, but it's not working for me, see the pictures:

The touch screen is reacting. I also have the problem that the screen is upside down, even if i put lcd_rotate=2 in config.txt

I used build android-7.1.1_r7

I am not sure but I think I followed @ikalkov steps and it worked ( ). But you also have to add all overlay files by copying them from kernel/rpi/arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/*.dtbo to the overlays folder in the boot partition.

EDIT: What is your problem on the second image except the screen is upside down?

Ok, now it is working with the changes from the link and adding all the overlay files to the boot partition.

The problem on the second image was that the screen was not fitting correct, but that is fixed now.
Is there something to do for fix the upside down problem?

Put display_rotate=2 in config.txt. See

i am right now compiling again (android-7.1.1_r22). i really wonder how this can work out using only the instructions


  • at no stage the kernel modules are build
  • the kernel modules are never copied to the system image
  • the (default) kernel config marks the touch code as module

i worked around by compiling the code directly into the kernel. i doubt having only the proper config.txt in place (but not the kernel modules or touch code itself) can make the touch working.

maybe i miss something some place. actually i'd love to go with kernel modules, but when and how do you put them to the system image?

@nikiwaibel I'm not an expert with linux and android building but I think there are built here:
bildschirmfoto vom 2017-02-17 12-29-38

  • make zImage builds the kernel without modules
  • make dtbs builds the device tree files

either make modules or make would compile the modules.

so i really wonder how anyone can get touch functionality. @mohe2015 do you have any .ko files (kernel objects - aka modules) within system.img? the modules are usually located in a lib/modules dir within /system, once the OS is running. further, a lsmod should display loaded modules.

I can't check currently because I don't have a build ready but I don't think so because I strictly followed the build instructions.

@mohe2015 That is not working. For Raspbian I use always lcd_rotate=2, but both are not working.

DId anyone tried to build de nougat-tablet branch and get it correctly working on the touch screen?

@dJos1991: thx for the hint! i used to compile the nougat branch. now i've learned there is a nougat-tablet branch. will try that one now.

@nikiwaibel Your Welcome ;).

I already compiled it and used the config from RTAndroid (
It is starting but the screen doesn't fit on the touch screen:

@mohe2015 Now i putted both display_rotate and lcd_rotate in the config file and now it shows the screen in the right direction.

@dJos1991 try writing 800x480 to /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:gpu/graphics/fb0/virtual_size - IIRC that blanked the screen in my case and then, after dragging something with the mouse, the screen appeared and the offset was gone.

I've putted 800x480 in that file, but still not good:

Try removing the line
in device/brcm/rpi3/system.prop

Edit: After that you probably need to rebuild.

ric96 commented

can you try the following on system.prop, or directly change it on build.prop


It is working now, after i put debug.drm.mode.force=800x480 in the build.prop, ro.sf.lcd_density=160 was already in it.
But i had to do the change in the sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:gpu/graphics/fb0/virtual_size file what @nikiwaibel posted, but is it possible to create a permanent solutions for that? I don't want to connect trough adb every time i start my rpi.

@dJos1991 can you commit all changes to your repo so I can reproduce this? Your touch works fine, right?

A little bit offtopic: How can I switch to the nougat-tablet branch?

@nikiwaibel I will commit al the changes later on tonight. Touch is working really fine!

@mohe2015 I forked the repo's to mine account, if you follow this steps you wil get the nougat-tablet branch automatically: local_manifests. Else you can change .repo/local_manifests/default.xml line 12 like this before you do repo sync:
<project path="device/brcm/rpi3" name="device_brcm_rpi3" revision="nougat-tablet" remote="arpi"/>

@dJos1991 Thank you!
P.S. your link is broken. It shows the correct url but if you click on it it redirects to a wrong one.

Thanks for reporting the broken link!
I think i commited al the changes now, I will try building it again to be sure that I'm not forget anything.

@dJos1991 tried your branch, but no kernel modules, no nouch. display fine, except for the offset. mouse pointer sort of distorted.

can you provide your full build instructions?
can you execute lsmod on the system (terminal or console) and provide the output? (in my case no kernel modules loaded, as there are no kernel modules on the system image.

@dJos1991: thanks! this:

+ $ nano ~/rpitouch.cfg

make things clear! no need for modules, in case it is included in the kernel.

That is strange, I will check it out what the problem is.
I'm really new to Github and building Android, so please forgive me.

I changed the README pages for the instructions what I think I have done.
If I enter lsmod on the terminal, it also doesn't show up any module.

I'm now syncing my repo and check everything and compare it with what i wrote on the readme pages.

@dJos1991 it's all fine! you have no modules installed (lsmod won't show anything). your rpitouch.cfg file will configure the kernel build to compile the touch code directly into the kernel. thanks so much to provide this info in your github repo!!!

it seems rtandroid uses the some cyanogenmod stuff to get it going (i am quite certain, that they put modules into the system image). i will test their latest build and see if they have the display offset as well. if there is no offset using their build, maybe @ikalkov can comment on that.

@dJos1991 sorry, i am editing all the time :-)

ok fine that it is cleared out :). I didn't noticed your last edit before posting.

@nikiwaibel haha no problem ;).

Yeah I think too that there are some extra things used in RTAndroid, but I don't have any idea what.
Please keep me updated that i can try it out myself and add the information to my repo!

on rtandroid:

  • there is no screen offset. very nice, properly centered - cyanogenmod like - smooth boot video/animation!
  • mousepointer disorted
  • it feels a bit more sluggish
  • gallery and music app crash
  • the task manager has dissortions in the app previews
  • /system/build.prop sets ro.sf.lcd_display to 213. it should be 136. pixels are not square! width=800pixel/155mm → 131.1dpi / height=480pixel/86mm → 141.8dpi / average = 136.4dpi
  • no touch module either, so the kernel contains the touch code directly (touch works perfektly)
  • anyway, many many modules within the system image - as it should be IMHO:
    rpi3:/system/lib/modules # ls | wc
    1090 1090 14495

good work! nice script to make use of the touchscreen!

it seems to be quite a mess to keep branch nougat, nougat-tablet and now maybe nougat-rpitouch in sync! some audio stuff and the boot files have a newer version in nougat already.

Hi guys. What you are suggesting was also my idea a couple of month ago. But @peyo-hd would like to keep this repository with a minimal configuration and let others fork and modify files as they need. This is actually no big deal for RTAndroid, as we have a pretty mature server architecture which takes care of keeping all the repositories in sync. This is basically why we decided to spit up the configuration and use separate scripts for setting up touchscreens. There are too many of them to provide a dedicated branch for every single one.

Concerning the wrong density: It might be a good idea to extend the video script to change the density from 213 to 136.

@nikiwaibel Did you already find a solution for the screen offset?

@dJos1991 unfort not yet. i managed to get the 4.4.50 kernel going (that's used by rtandroid), but the screen offset is still there. i also activated a custom boot animation (rtandroid has one as well), but that does not remove the offset either.

my next step is to reduce the number of applied patches for 4.4.50 ( to see what is really required to get it booted. then add specific kernel options releted to the framebuffer console and see if that makes any changes to the offset.

I build today the lineageOS from @KonstaT on my raspberry pi 3 and did the changes for the touchscreen, but this give the same result.

@dJos1991 yes. remove debug.drm.mode.force from device/brcm/rpi3/system.prop

Hi all,

I'm new to Android world and trying to make my rpi 3 working on Android. So far I have build the images and flashed on sdcard. I'm having 7inch screen which works fine with official raspian image but when i'm flashing my builted android images nothing getting displayed.

Can anyone please help me out with clear instructions on how i can make rpi + 7 inch display working on Android.