
[TestingCodelab] (Optional Exercise): How to access state in RallyApp

ktprograms opened this issue ยท 6 comments

Hi, in the hints for Step 7, it says

The scope of the test needs to include the state, which is owned by RallyApp.

I looked at the implementation of RallyApp, and I can see that the state is stored inside the component, so I don't know how I can access it to assert on its value.

Am I supposed to modify the RallyApp component to move the state elsewhere, and if so, where? In a ViewModel?

This Worked for me

fun rallyTopAppBarTest_tabSelectionChangesSelectedScreen() {

    val allScreens = RallyScreen.values().toList()

    var currentScreen by mutableStateOf(RallyScreen.Overview)

    composeTestRule.setContent {

            allScreens = allScreens,
            onTabSelected = {
                currentScreen = it
            currentScreen = currentScreen

    assert( ==

Thank you give to me a nice idea, your solution is awesome ๐Ÿ‘
I also thought another method too, that is to use parent composable RallyApp

composeTestRule.setContent {
    RallyTheme {


That's a nice solution. But it can be improved so that the test verifies that clicking on any of the tabs will change the selection.
Like this:

composeTestRule.setContent {

val allScreens = RallyScreen.values().toList()

for (screen in allScreens) {

@gagandeep3458 Thank you. I have enhanced your solution to handle any combination of screens:

        val allScreens = RallyScreen.values().toList()
        val selectedScreen = allScreens.random() //pick a random screen name
        val anotherScreen = allScreens.filterNot { it == selectedScreen }.random() //pick a random screen excluding selectedScreen
        var currentScreen by mutableStateOf(selectedScreen)

        composeTestRule.setContent {
                allScreens = allScreens,
                onTabSelected = {
                    currentScreen = it
                currentScreen = currentScreen


This is weird - I'm doing the following:

val allScreens = RallyScreen.entries //mock the screens
        var selectedScreen: RallyScreen? = null
        composeTestRule.setContent {
            RallyTheme {
                    allScreens = allScreens,
                    onTabSelected = { screen -> selectedScreen = screen},
                    currentScreen = RallyScreen.Accounts

        assertEquals(RallyScreen.Overview, selectedScreen)

assertEquals is true, but the assertIsSelected fails.