
Question: what is "Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was BEGIN_ARRAY at line 1 column 2 path $" ?

AndroidDeveloperLB opened this issue · 6 comments

I tried to just take the PhoneNumberActivity into an existing project. Made it be able to be built, but then when there was no error anymore in it, I got this weird issue:


How come?

Looks like it's from GSON, but as for exactly what's wrong I'm not sure. Can you reproduce it with the sample project itself?

It's the file from the sample. I've put it into an existing project that already has "google-services.json", but looking at the requirements, I think I still miss some other files for some reason:


I only want to get the phone number chooser for the user. Do I have to get more than this file?
If so, what else should be used, and how do I get it?

@AndroidDeveloperLB Which Android Studio version are you using?
I have this issue with Android Gradle plugin 4.0.0-alpha07 on unrelated project. AS 4.0.0 Canary 6 with gradle plugin 4.0.0-alpha06 don't have this issue.

I used IDE canary.
But now I tried stable too. Seems to work. Even the sample, without any further steps from me.
Does it require the json file? more? less?
What are the requirements to just show the phone chooser dialog to the user?