[FEATURE REQUEST] Add option for local docker network
Closed this issue · 4 comments
androidseb25 commented
Add function to connect locally in the docker network via environment variables (hybrid way with the old version)
What we need in iGotify-Notification-Assistent:
- GOTIFY_URL as environment variable e.g.: 'http://gotify'
- SECNTFY_TOKEN as environment variable to send notification to an device (semicolon separated for multiple devices)
- GOTIFY_CLIENT_TOKEN as environment variable to connect to WebSocket (semicolon separated for multiple devices)
- ReadMe must be updated with new environment variables, when feature is finished, marked this feature as optional
What we need in iGotify iOS App:
- an switch in the instance add view for disable the connection to the iGotify Container
- when switch enable show after connection check the following environment variables for the docker compose file or service file (GOTIFY_URL, SECNTFY_TOKEN, GOTIFY_CLIENT_TOKEN)
expected release of iGotify-Notification-Assistent v1.2.1.0
- June 2024
expected release of iGotify v1.2.1
- June 2024
related issues:
androidseb25 commented
I'm currently in testing mode
androidseb25 commented
Testing under my dev Environment working very well, next step try it in my productiv setup
androidseb25 commented
release 1.3 in review
androidseb25 commented
App is now live