Error igotify | Disconnection happened, type: Error igotify | Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
fvargasfrank opened this issue · 4 comments
Latest ios 17
iphone 15 pro
Hello would you be able to help me igotify working ?
all i see are these error
igotify | Disconnection happened, type: Error
igotify | Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
igotify | Disconnection happened, type: Error
igotify | Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
gotify | 2024-08-04T20:1808-04:00 | 400 | 1.186004ms | | GET "/stream?token=[masked]"
gotify | Error #1: websocket: the client is not using the websocket protocol: 'upgrade' token not found in 'Connection' header
gotify | 2024-08-04T20:1818-04:00 | 400 | 190.093µs | | GET "/stream?token=[masked]"
gotify | Error #1: websocket: the client is not using the websocket protocol: 'upgrade' token not found in 'Connection' header
I am able to login successfully in the app no error
Hi Frank how do you deploy the igotify container, with my script or with an other method
you can write me also on Discord, i accept the request