
[BUG] Unraid error:

Closed this issue · 16 comments


Please take a look above error. I can see notification in app but i am not getting any push notifications.

Yeah he is trying to connect to the websocket of gotify how did you configure the app?

Or did you have a deleted the required client token?

This error has several causes.

Database is created: True
Gotify Url list is: empty
Gotify Client list is: empty
SecNtfy Token list is: empty
If one or more lists are empty please check the environment variable! GOTIFY_SERVERS or GOTIFY_CLIENTS or NTFY_TOKENS
If all lists are empty do nothing, you will configure the gotify server over the iGotify app.
Gotify - Url: https://push.<domain>:443
Is Gotify - Url available: yes
SecNtfy Server - Url:
Is SecNtfy Server - Url available: yes
Client - Token: CdeMTI<hidden>
Client connecting...
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
      Now listening on: http://[::]:8080
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
      Content root path: /app
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error

It seems like its using my external URL instead of one specified in the local docker container:


Ok, did you specified the correct url in the app? Because the app say the container which way he use

Ok, did you specified the correct url in the app? Because the app say the container which way he use

Yes, I see the notifications in the app, not push notifications. I see version number show for both gotify and igotify when I entered it.

docker run
  --pids-limit 2048
  -e TZ="America/New_York"
  -e HOST_OS="Unraid"
  -e 'GOTIFY_URL'=''
  -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman
  -l net.unraid.docker.webui='http://[IP]:[PORT:8080]'
  -l net.unraid.docker.icon=''
  -p '8681:8080/tcp'
  -v '/mnt/user/appdata/igotify/api-data/':'/app/data':'rw'
  --security-opt no-new-privileges:true
  --pull always ''
latest: Pulling from androidseb25/igotify-notification-assist
Digest: sha256:c182373030474a924e7eba82fd08c0b2a198fab831540a623819d0c83e7980aa
Status: Image is up to date for

Ok, but this environment -e 'GOTIFY_URL'='' variable didn't exist anymore

Please take a look in the readme to configure you're compose correct

The issue was with WebSockets. How do I not expose igotify in unraid?

Sorry I don't know because I don't use unraid

What is the use case for:

Optional environment variables
GOTIFY_URLS = the local gotify sever URL e.g.: http://gotify
GOTIFY_CLIENT_TOKENS = the client token from the Gotify Client e.g.: cXXXXXXXX
SECNTFY_TOKENS = the SecNtfy Token that you get from the app after configure it e.g.: NTFY-DEVICE-XXXXXX

In the IOS app, when I specify the local URL for which variable is used, GOTIFY_URLS?

Hi please read following issue for this reason


I updated the template in unraid.

I updated the template in unraid.

The following should be the variables:


You need these if you don't want to expose igotify on public network.

I noticed that once the database has been created and you change the entries for the variables, it has no effect. Only if you delete it and create a new one.

He change the entries only on restart of the container when he read the entries.

Is this error still actually?

When no this Issue will be closed on day 30.