
[BUG] Failed connection Websocket

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
Now listening on: http://[::]:8080
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Content root path: /app
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.

Expected behavior
Error when starting a container

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

  • Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
  • OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
  • Version of Container [e.g.]
  • Version of iGotify [e.g. 1.0.5]

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

How did configure the container (docker compose with local environment or over the app)

Is the gotify container in you're network available and from the igotify container?

Is this error still actually?

When no this Issue will be closed on day 30.

I also have the problem that I get this error message in the iGotify container.

I am using the Docker Compose template from Github. I have changed the port mapping and the bind of the folders.

Disconnection happened, type: Error
Webseocket Reconnection failed with Error. Try to reconnect in 10s.
Gotify Server is not available try to reconnect in 10s.

Even if I don't apply any changes to the template, the error persists.

Docker is installed on an Intel Nuc on a Ubuntu server. The traffic goes through an NPM.

did you have enabled Websocket support on NPM?

I also get this error. Websockets support is enabled

UPDATE: Ah never mind, it was an issue with the DNS on the server where both docker containers running. It's fine now.