
Peer Review Lab_09 - Massimo Porcheddu (s318098)

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The readme is well written and the addition of graphs helps a lot in understanding.

The code is well commented (which makes it understandable) and tidy.
However, creating a single class in which there are functions with different functionalities does not seem to me to be the right approach for a conceptual question, even more so in a language like Python. At this point it probably could have been cleaner to create a class for island mode and ea etc. (This of course is just my opinion, everyone has their own style).

In any case, I think you carried out the laboratory correctly and the results obtained seem in line to me.
I saw that you tried different mutation approaches, maybe it could be interesting to try some different crossovers too.
It could also be interesting to create a segregation approach in such a way as to be able to graph it in parallel to the island one and appreciate the differences (I have created both but I haven't graphed them so I hope you see it only as a constructive criticism).

Of course I hope this review can be useful to you!

Thank you for the feedback! Your insights on the crossover and segregation approach are valuable, and we may consider implementing them in the future. I appreciate your suggestion regarding code structuring. I now acknowledge that consolidating all functions into a single class might not have been the optimal choice. At that time, we believed it would enhance code clarity and understanding.