Adds variables to python traceback. Simple, lightweight, controllable. Debug reasons of exceptions by logging or pretty printing colorful variable contexts for each frame in a stacktrace, showing every value. Dump locals environments after errors to console, files, and loggers. Works in Jupyter and IPython. Install with pip or conda.
- jmarkham828Los Angeles, CA
- zephyrzillaHyderabad, India
- LucianoLaratelliMiami Beach, FL
- serumanIstanbul, Turkey
- akotlermanLos Angeles, CA
- BadgMunich
- kevinarpeTokyo
- aramperesCanada
- mturnshekUnited States
- gmittalPalo Alto, CA
- seagull1089United States
- abhikSan Francisco, CA
- asyksPortland OR
- figbuxBlack Mesa Research Facility
- jerrysun21Seattle
- zeaphooBeiJing
- jackmac92
- hbayindirAnkara, Turkey
- senthilnathang
- niklassemmler
- XSPGMike
- fatihsucuİstanbul / Turkey
- nightjarrr
- xueyuanlLondon
- oznogon
- cidermole
- mamazJakarta, ID
- cromat
- pkieszczPoznań, Poland
- bananahbatman
- Dauros
- onixKharkiv, Ukraine
- banditelolBandung, Indonesia
- RobertasMurnikovasVilnius, Lithuania
- tgamblinLivermore, California
- TomasHubelbauerPrague, Czech Republic