
Problem reinstalling native client

Closed this issue · 10 comments

On a new computer the extension was working with Firefox but not with Chrome. So I tried to reinstall the native client, now none of them works. I enclosed the installation log.

Error: ETXTBSY: text file is busy, open '/home/jsbien/.config/com.add0n.node/node'

Seems like the extension cannot overwrite files.

close all editor instances and run sudo killall node

Thanks. Now again Firefox works but Chrome cannot find the native client. Do I understand correctly that the same client can be used by both browsers?

Chrome cannot find the native client

Get the original file and and rerun the installer. Also make sure the custom ID is added to the Chrome if you are using the developer version of the extension.

Nothing changed (I test the original version).

What is the ID of the the extension in chrome://extensions

Sorry for the false alarm, I just confused the extensions :-( So how to change the name of my version to avoid such mistakes in the future?

go to the manifest.json and change the name, description, ...
Also move "webNavigation", "*://*/*" to the permissions section.

  "permissions": [
  "optional_permissions": [],

Also move "webNavigation", ":///*" to the permissions section.

might not work in FF.

OK, I will try.