
This repository has been archived. It will be implemented directly in the framework.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Design-time UI creator for osu!framework based on a markup language.


How to use

osu!design is not ready for any real project due to the lack of features and mostly untested code. There are no releases either.

However, you can try the application by launching it through an IDE. Visual Studio Code (with the C# plugin installed) is recommended.

Once the application is running, you can browse to the osuML directory and mess around with the example markups provided. They have the extension .osuml.


osuML is an XML-based markup language that is used to compose a Drawable. It stands for osu! Markup Language. It is not XAML and does not intend to be one.

Every element in osuML represents a Drawable node, and their attributes correspond to a field or property.

            Colour="#00ff00, #ff00ff, #00ffff, #ff0000"/>
        Text="My SpriteText is awesome"

Breaking down the above markup:

  • The root node is a Container. When the designer generates a class from this markup, it will be derived from Container.
  • xmlns attribute specifies the default namespace from which Drawable types are imported. The URI must have the osufx:// scheme, followed by the name of the assembly without .dll extension, then a glob pattern to filter the types. In this example, osufx://osu.Framework/* imports all Drawable types from the assembly osu.Framework.dll, which match the glob pattern * (everything).
  • Name attribute specifies the given name of the Drawable. This is required for the root node but optional for all of its descendants. Refer to the ECMA C# spec for what is considered a valid class name. TLDR: your usual alphanumeric identifier with underscores and no spaces. In this example, the Name of the root node is MyDrawable and therefore the generated class will be named MyDrawable.
  • Size attribute specifies the size of the Drawable, in this case, in absolute measurement. (Add RelativeSizeAxes="Both" to make it measure relatively.)
  • The root node has a child element Box named Background, relatively sized in both axes. Colour attribute specifies the colour of the Box. You can specify the colour as an RGB function (rgb(r,g,b), rgba(r,g,b,a)) or a hexadecimal (#012345). A single colour can be specified for all four vertices of the Drawable, or a comma-separated list of colours for each individual vertex in the order of top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left.
        Colour="#00ff00, #ff00ff, #00ffff, #ff0000"/>
  • The root node has a child element Container named MyContainer, relatively sized in both axes. It has a padding of 60, 40, 60 and 40 for the top, right, bottom and left respectively.
  • MyContainer has one unnamed child element Box, relatively sized in both axes and has the colours #00ff00, #ff00ff, #00ffff and #ff0000 for its four vertices.
    Text="My SpriteText is awesome"
  • Lastly, the root node has an unnamed child element SpriteText. It has the text My SpriteText is awesome, is sized at 20 pixels and has a margin of 10, 20, 10 and 20 for the top, right, bottom and left respectively.

More examples can be found in the osuML folder.


At the moment, osu!design is lacking in some of the most important and useful features of osu!framework such as:

  • Resource management
  • Texture resource binding for Sprites
  • Config-backed binding of properties
  • Local-scope bidirectional binding between properties
  • Asynchronous loading of children Drawables
  • XML-based transform sequence generation
  • XML-based ConfigManager<T> generation


This project is licensed under the MIT licence. Please see the licence file for more information. tl;dr you can do whatever you want as long as you include the original copyright and license notice in any copy of the software/source.

The BASS audio library (a dependency of osu!framework) is a commercial product. While it is free for non-commercial use, please ensure to obtain a valid licence if you plan on distributing any application using it commercially.