
This repo is a barebones Hugo website setup with GitHub Actions. On every push to master, the workflow deploy.yml will build master and push /public to gh-pages. The setup here is the final outcome of this blog post: https://charlesjlee.com/post/20200517-github-actions/

Required changes

If you fork this repo, there are three changes you need to make:

  1. Create a deploy key named ACTIONS_DEPLOY_KEY. Steps available here. This deploy key is used in .github/workflows/deploy.yml
  2. In .github/workflows/deploy.yml, update external_repository to your username and repo
  3. In .github/workflows/deploy.yml, update user_name and user_email

The ananke theme in /themes is a Git submodule and so will be empty if you clone this repo. This will lead to errors when developing locally. To pull the theme files, you can run git submodule update --init --recursive