
Use the Twilio Gem to order food

Primary LanguageRuby

Build Status Coverage Status Code Climate

Takeaway Challenge


Create a takeaway system that notifies customer of order collection time with a text sent via Twilio.

  • Hints on functionality to implement:

    • Ensure you have a list of dishes with prices.
    • Place the order by giving the list of dishes, their quantities and a number that should be the exact total. If the sum is not correct the method should raise an error, otherwise the customer is sent a text saying that the order was placed successfully and that it will be delivered 1 hour from now, e.g. "Thank you! Your order was placed and will be delivered before 18:52".
    • The text sending functionality should be implemented using Twilio API. You'll need to register for it. It’s free.
    • Use the twilio-ruby gem to access the API.
    • Use a Gemfile to manage your gems.
    • Make sure that your Takeaway is thoroughly tested and that you use mocks and/or stubs, as necessary to not to send texts when your tests are run.
    • However, if your Takeaway is loaded into IRB and the order is placed, the text should actually be sent.
  • A free account on Twilio will only allow you to send texts to "verified" numbers. Use your mobile phone number, don't worry about the customer's mobile phone.

  • Demonstrate good OO design and programming; the Single Responsibility and Dependency Injection/Inversion principles (the 'S' and 'D' in SOLID).

Technologies used:

  • Ruby (dynamic, reflective, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language)
  • Tested using RSpec (Behaviour Driven Development for Ruby)
  • Code coverage for Ruby 1.9+ with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites
  • Add to Gemfile gem 'simplecov'; run $ bundle
  • Add to spec_helper.rb:
require 'simplecov'
  • Run RSpec tests ($ rspec) and see coverage report displayed following test report: Coverage report generated for RSpec to /Users/andygout/Documents/projects/takeaway-challenge/coverage. 109 / 110 LOC (99.09%) covered.
  • Run $ open coverage/index.html to open browser displaying coverage report for files in directory
  • Ensure /coverage is added to .gitignore file so as to prevent each commit's updates being included in changes


  • Run RSpec from root directory: $ rspec
  • Open coverage report in browser: $ open coverage/index.html

User stories:

As a customer
So that I can check if I want to order something
I would like to see a list of dishes with prices

As a customer
So that I can order the meal I want
I would like to be able to select some number of several available dishes

As a customer
So that I can verify that my order is correct
I would like to check that the total I have been given matches the sum of the various dishes in my order

As a customer
So that I am reassured that my order will be delivered on time
I would like to receive a text such as "Thank you! Your order was placed and will be delivered before 18:52" after I have ordered

Next steps:

  • I would have liked a feature whereby dishes could be removed from the order, but time was against me and given it was not part of the brief I decided not to include.
  • I also would have liked to have tried to include the cost of the order in the text being sent out, but this required a variable from the checkout class to be passed into the Twilio file being required, which would have required some further investigation to try and get working.
  • I passed the order across to the checkout so that I could utilise dependency injection.
  • Till was used as a module rather than a class given order and checkout are not types of till, but I needed the function of a till to be used for both order and checkout, so seemed like the best option.
  • Not sure how effective my tests are in checkout_spec, as they are not categorically testing if a message would be sent. Again time was against me but I would have liked longer to figure out a way in which this could have been tested wth more certainty (but without sending an actual text). My final Coveralls test is suggesting I did not test the line where the twilio.rb file is included, so I'd like to learn how test in RSpec if the file exists/can be included but without actually running it.


Makers Academy: Takeaway Challenge brief