
Divi 3.0.1 breaks the formatting of the article cards.

MarleVVLL opened this issue · 30 comments


I recently installed Divi 3.0.1 and the article cards have lost a large percentage of their formatting. A major issue is the excerpt which is supposed to be shown only on-hover is now visible without hovering.

Steps To Reproduce:

  1. Download Divi 3.0.1.
  2. Look at a post which is affected by the article card extension.

Additional Information:

Divi Version: 3.0.1

Child Theme: N/A

Device: Computer

Operating System: Windows 10

Browser: Chrome

Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

I have the same problem.

Have you tried upgrading to Divi v3.0.11?

I am at Divi v3.0.11 right now and I have the same problem. Excerpt is visible without hovering.

I'm at Divi 3.0.11 now too, and it works just fine for me. See this screen shot with one article card hovered and one untouched:

Hi Erik,
I will try to reinstall the extension and see if it helps. I have just upgraded to 3.0.11 today.


It seems that reinstalling the extension does not help. So, I have decided to downgrade to Divi version 3.0.6 for a temporary fix until next release.

Not working for me either on Divi 3.0.11. I have tried reinstalling the plugin.

Have you also checked that you're using the most recent version of the Article Cards plugin, which is Version 0.0.3?

Yes, of course. It was already v. 0.0.3 but I downloaded it again just to make sure.

Yes, I am using 0.0.3 for the Article Cards plugin.

Same problem on my site too with latest version of Divi and Article cards Plugin.
I think i know why some have the problem on their site and not others. I don't know if it's the same thing for you but on mine only the newest articles are broken (made since divi 3 ?), the others are fine.
If it can help you find where is the problem...

That is not the case for me. All article cards are broken regardless of when the posts were created.

After updating to Divi's 3.0.11 update, the card extension is still malfunctioning.

On 3.0.12, article card is broken. I had to disable it.

Yes, broken for me too now. I've disabled it. Too bad, and very sad that @andyhqtran doesn't seem to be be able to find the time to support this. It might be better of the responsibility for this plugin is transferred to Elegant Themes.

The devs seem to have a fix for this over at the ET forum:

Hopefully just a matter of time before the plugin is updated.

I applied that quick fix and I can confirm it works.

Divi, No Child Theme, Version: 3.0.12 -> issue appear only if you set the excerpt manually.
It works as expected if the field in post edit is empty and excerpt is auto-generated.

@iemanuel That's rather funny because in an earlier incarnation, the problem was that it didn't show the generated excerpt (if I remember correctly) and one had to set an excerpt manually to work around that.

the quick fix works for now, thank you @tori03 for sharing.

I can confirm the fix is functional on my end.

Thanks @tori03! The fix works.

I have had the same issue : after updating DIVI, category names overlapped excerpt on all my blog modules. As I prefer not to do things on which I do not have good control (such as code copy/paste in different areas), I prefer waiting for the plugin update. BY WHEN DO YOU THINK THAT "Article Cards" issues will UPDATE and newer version released ?

I have updated the plugin to be compability with the latest version of Divi. Please let me know if there's anymore issues with it.

You can download the latest version on the release page.

@andyhqtran Very good! In addition to fixing this issue, the new v0.0.4 also takes care of a much looked for tweak, which is that the excerpt can now also be clicked.

The extension now fails after I have updated Divi to 3.0.14. :(

Hi Andy, wonderful, the new version 0.0.4 is perfectly running and the job, the look, is really nice, better than previous 0.0.3. Thanks a lot.

@MarleVVLL could you create a separate issue for this?


This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found.
Search Google for divi site examples blog

I can't view your sites properly.

Hello plugin does not work with previous posts in the grid, the last 3 posts work fine, and if you go to the past, they load with the old design.

Additional Information:
Divi Version: 3.0.106

Child Theme: Yes

Device: Computer

Operating System: Windows 10

Browser: Chrome

Screen Resolution: 1680x1050