
Squib post-installation with Gem on M1 Macbook error: dyld[xxxx] missing symbol called 'new'

HelloImKevo opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug
Squib version 0.19.0 appears to have successfully installed using ruby 3.0.6p216 (2023-03-30 revision 23a532679b) [arm64-darwin22] on a Macbook M1, but something is busted under the hood -- the basic commands like squib new or squib help result in "missing symbol called" errors:

{11:53}~/GitProjects/SquibPlayground:master ✓ ➭ squib new test-game
dyld[6131]: missing symbol called
[1]    6131 abort      squib new test-game

To Reproduce
I used a combination of Homebrew and rbenv to install Ruby 3.0.6, like:

brew install rbenv

rbenv init
rbenv install -l
rbenv install 3.0.6
rbenv global 3.0.6

Some Additional Tips

I also read through the open issue: #375 to help get the initial installation to succeed, and this post on the BGG forums was helpful for troubleshooting:



  • OS: macOS Ventura 13.5
  • Ruby: 3.0.6
  • Gem: 3.2.33
  • Rbenv: 1.2.0

Check the following:

  • I have updated Squib to the latest version.
  • I have checked the Squib issues backlog for something similar
  • I have attempted to make a minimal script demonstrating my problem
  • I have reviewed the Squib Docs and there's still a problem

Same problem for me. I installed a Linux VM using UTM as a workaround...