
Bulk update sometimes misses some images

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In a bulk update of 98 images, 8 were missed.
There were 98 "Fetch successful. Status: 200" messages generated, and 98 Update successful messages in the browser debug console.
There are no errors in the PhotoPrism logs.
The underlying yml files in PhotoPrism were not updated for the 8 missed images.

Successful update.
PhotoPrism log:

time="2024-09-03T07:48:14Z" level=info msg="photo: updated sidecar file 2005/04/20050413_171409_60C14469.yml"
time="2024-09-03T07:48:14Z" level=info msg="changes successfully saved"

yml file 2005/04/20050413_171409_60C14469.yml ends with:

CreatedBy: usi7kvrjxlh9wpmg
CreatedAt: 2024-09-03T07:29:52Z
UpdatedAt: 2024-09-03T07:48:14Z
EditedAt: 2024-09-03T07:48:13Z

Missed update.
PhotoPrism log:

time="2024-09-03T07:48:17Z" level=info msg="photo: updated sidecar file 2005/04/20050413_171425_AF752EAB.yml"
time="2024-09-03T07:48:17Z" level=info msg="changes successfully saved"

yml file 2005/04/20050413_171425_AF752EAB.yml ends with:

CreatedBy: usi7kvrjxlh9wpmg
CreatedAt: 2024-09-03T07:29:56Z
UpdatedAt: 2024-09-03T07:44:00Z

This doesn't appear to be an issue with the extension.

When logging the response.json() content within the extension I am getting a Lat and Long of 0,0 response from PhotoPrism after sending valid values through for the odd PUT request. (The image doesn't have lat and long before the call).

Issue photoprism/photoprism#4504 raised on PhotoPrism. Pull request has been created to address this.