
implementation not working properly

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I've added your picedit.min.css and picedit.min.js files to my form...


<script src="~/Scripts/PCWeb/picedit.js"></script>`

I've added the necessary input element to my form...
@Html.TextBox("image", null, new { @type="file", @id = "image"})

And I've applied the picEdit plugin to the appropriate input...
<script> $(function () { $('#image').picEdit({ formSubmitted: function (response) { $("#@Model.EditorName").modal('hide'); $("#@Model.ReloadRegion").html(response.response); } }); }); </script>

When I invoke my form, I see the plug-in in action. However, the rotate image and pen image tools (both invoke a "sub-menu" of sorts) are broken in that the sub-menu they invoke doesn't appear correctly. The pointer (little up-arrow on the sub-menu) points to the resize button, and the sub-menu itself is empty.

I've tried both the minified and regular version of both the .css and .js files. Any idea what might be going wrong?

picedit issue