
Failed to install on Windows

momocow opened this issue · 5 comments

I am trying to installing the package on Win10 and it does not have sys/time.h for @airbnb\node-memwatch to be built.

d:\<...>\node_modules\@airbnb\node-memwatch\src\ fatal error C1083: 無法開啟包含檔案: 'sys/time.h': No such file or directory [D:\<...>\node_modules\@airbnb\node-memwatch\bui

Any alternatives or solution I can try for this?
Throw Windows away and embrace Ubuntu? 😂 (OMG

Thanks for the nice project anyway!

Hey @momocow!

Any alternatives or solution I can try for this?
Throw Windows away and embrace Ubuntu? 😂

Yeah, unfortunately that sounds like the best way to go... 😅

If that is not an option, try to re-post the issue at
Would be great if you'd share the solution here, though, in case they can help 🙂

@andywer I've tried using docker node:8 image and it works. 😂

Sadly, I found airbnb/node-memwatch no issues tab to file an issue.
Not sure if its upstream, marcominetti/node-memwatch, has the same issue in Windows.
Maybe I'll have a try.

I'm afraid that the compatibility problem for Windows is introduced in airbnb's fork.

See this git diff between airbnb's and marcominetti's fork, which I have no where to post the issue. 😂

Ohh noooo... 🙈

So the solution is to use docker to run a real operating system?

Sad news for Windows users, but hopefully we still have Docker! 🐋

So the solution is to use docker to run a real operating system?

Yes, the easiest way is with the help of Docker, since it requires sys/time.h in its build.
I have no knowledge how to ship it or make it available on Windows.

Maybe this issue worth you to mention about it in README for those Windows users?
(Surprisingly there's not even a Windows user file an issue here, except me. lol)