
webpack-blocks/* issue

adamkeinan opened this issue · 1 comments

along my two last project i noticed an error that appears several times.
the error was "error Cannot read property 'match' of undefined".
i think this is a knew error that not necessarily related to npm or one of the packages,although it was specifically pointed to the affiliated-shrinkwrap.js and package-lock.json.
after investigating the problem i cloned the repo twice to an isolated test environment and managed to reproduce the error/'s.

1.there's a conflict of versions that creates a gap in the shrinkwrap.js after installing webpack-blocks.
2.even when using a shrinkwrap constantly the file becomes to corrupted. the case of webpack-blocks/babel its even worse. few libraries are just missing after install(tried several node version's).
this issue concerns only webpack v4 and

Thanks for reporting, Adam. Can you please share the stack trace with us?