
Share your gallery

andyzg opened this issue · 21 comments

Hey all! I'd love to see the galleries you've created using this fun project I made. Share yours with a comment below!

@jasonbak thanks for sharing your gallery! Love your portrait shots :)

This is such a cool template Andy, thank you!

I loved the idea but i can't use it. I never can double click setup.command. Can you help me? Thanks

@emmtbeaga are there any errors that show?

Cannot run setup.command :/. Any pre requisite to run this script ?

@cpique what's the error that you get when trying to run it?

@andyzg Don't remember exactly the issue, but in Windows 10 I cannot run the script. I was able however to bypass the error by running only this line in a PowerShell window:
python "{MYPATH}\tools\"

My site is up and running, thanks for the gallery template :)

awesome, nice job on figuring it out! 😄

@andyzg How do I remove the 'fork me on github' image and hyperlink in the right corner?
I love your template btw :)

@nativephotography delete line 21 in index.html and it should work

@Guzpenha Love your photos! I love your use of black and white! thanks for making this man! btw, what part of your code determines the ordering of photos and how does the algorithm work? it doesn't look like it's by alphanumeric or date

@sun-alex that's a great question! The way it works right now is that it generates a config.json when you run setup.command and orders it based on the images inside of photos/ and then it renders the images based on that order.

Hi @andyzg thanks for a fantastic framework. I have just created a gallery I exported all the images at 1800px width. When I click on an image only the min version opens up. My javascript is a bit rusty, any idea what I need to do to get the original image in the popup?

@sun-alex Regarding sorting of directories, added sorted() to which preserves the directory naming order when it gets added to the config.json

def run():
    print('Starting to collect all albums within the /photos directory...')
    config = {}
    dirs = sorted(get_directories())     <----- sorted

Changing compressed = False in the config sorted it. Really pleased cheers

@jamesdmorgan I am seeing the same thing as you. It either uses compressed files (only) or, compressed:false in config turns off the usage of compressed files. It is one or the other.