
Cloudflare scripts for performing the DNS-01 challenge with Win ACME Simple.

Primary LanguagePowerShell

Cloudflare DNS-01 Provider for Windows ACME Simple

A set of scripts to perform the DNS-01 challenge using Cloudflare and WACS.


Windows ACME Simple (WACS) is a simple Let's Encrypt ACME client for Windows that has built in support for Azure DNS. I've very familar with WACS, but I use Cloudflare for my homelab DNS. I created these scripts to perform the DNS-01 challenge for Cloudflare.


Install-Module PSCloudflare

Cloudflare has deprecated TLS 1.0 and 1.1. Edit the PSCloudflare module to add [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 before Invoke-RestMethod. See Pull Request #2.


Run Create-CFXMLCredFile.ps1 to create a XML file holding your encrypted Cloudflare credentials.


Scripts should be called by the WACS client.

letsencrypt.exe --test --validationmode dns-01 --validation dnsscript --dnscreatescript C:\letsenrypt\Cloudflare4WACS\Cloudflare-Create.bat --dnsdeletescript C:\letsencrypt\Cloudflare4WACS\Cloudflare-Remove.bat --plugin manual --manualhost something.example.com (Remove --test after successfully testing your Let's Encrypt setup.)


None offered.

WACS DNS Script Requirments

Run external program/script to create and update records.

  1. Create script should be provided that accepts three parameters.
  • Hostname that's being validated
  • Name of the TXT record to create
  • Content of the TXT record to create
  1. Delete script should be provided that accepts two parameters.
  • Hostname that's being validated
  • Name of the TXT record to delete
  1. Run with arguments: --validationmode dns-01 --dnscreatescript C:\create-dns.bat --dnsdeletescript C:\delete-dns.bat --validation dnsscript