This project is made by:- Aneesh sharma (IT)(11912055)

#How to Run:-
To run the project you need PHPMyAdmin running on your device
In PHPMyAdmin Select Import and select ./database/Application.sql file and Import
Now Rum Home.HTML on the Localhost.

#Project details
It is a website created for the clubs in IIITSonepat.It contains the home page for the details of different clubs,a news page for any latest news regarding the clubs
a contact page for cantact details of coordinators of the club and a portal to apply for the clubs.

#Key Features of the website
1.Languages used :- HTML,JAVAScript,CSS,PHP,SQLquery.
2.Navigation bar :- It uses scrolling function of JAVAScript when we scroll down the page it automatically hides,and reappear on scrolling up the page.
3.Apply form :- It has custom checkboxes,custom background,there is form validation on each field,the form data is send to an external database using apply.php.
4.Server end :- To send data from form to database PHP is used.The php file contains link to database,SQL Query to send data to SQL server.