
proposal for repeated identical requests

derhuerst opened this issue · 2 comments

If the same request returns different data during different invocations, replayer has no way of differentiating between the two invocations. This can happen when, for example, a resources is fetched using a GET request, it is modified using a PUT request, and it is fetched once more using a GET request to verify that it was updated successfully.

One could add an option to replayer that enumerates the identical requests: It would count how often each request hash has occurred and store fixtures including their number.

As an example, let's assume that GET /foo's hash is abc123 and PATCH /foo … is def456`, and we do three requests:

  1. GET /foo
  2. PATCH /foo …
  3. GET /foo

There would now be three fixtures:

  • abc123-1
  • def456-1
  • abc123-2

Of course, this wouldn't work in every use case, but AFAICT it solves all basic "read, modify, read again" use cases.

@aneilbaboo sorry for bothering you! do you have an opinion on this? would you accept a PR for this?

any news on this?