
Amount in notification that does not appear on page

KEVAO28 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, I was talking to you about a problem that had happened in the opencart forum. I managed to install the module successfully but when I go to the abandoned carts on notification shows the amount 6, but when I open the page to send the message does not appear any. Could you let me know why this occurs?

Glad you got it working!

I suspect this is possibly a bug with the dates configuration, I can check a bit closer tomorrow. (11pm here)

For a test, can you extend the days to search back, in the configuration? If you set it to a greater number & the records show, its a minor bug I can fix in an update.

I changed to 2 3 5 10 15 and in the 30 gave internal error in server 500 http. Soon I help with the translation of this module in Brazilian Portuguese;)

Increasing it to 30 shouldn't cause a 500 error, unless your database is enormous and you exhausted your allotted resources. (It wouldn't hurt to take a look at the logs and see if they have any info! Feel free to post them here if you don't understand them.)

I took a look at my code and I definitely overlooked the query that counts the total in the header; it's pulling everything and not taking your limit into account (which may be the culprit of the 500 error in your case).

This evening I will push out a fix, thank you for bringing this to my attention!

And thanks for offering to do the translations!! That will definitely come in handy to other Portugese users who may want to use the extension! 😀