
Quickly create and fork PG instances for integration tests

Primary LanguageRust


A tool for quickly starting and forking Postgres databases.

Useful when building integration tests that require a real DB connection.


  1. Ensure bin/pg_ctl is a symlink to your Postgres installation's pg_ctl
  2. RUST_LOG=tower_http=debug cargo run

Typescript Client

const client = new QuickPgClient("");

const instance = await client.create("example");
// write to this instance using ${instance.connInfo}

// ensure the template instance is stopped before forking
await client.stop(instance.id);

const fork = await client.fork(instance.id);
// write to the fork using ${fork.connInfo}

await client.destroy(fork);


Create blank instance:       ~550ms
Fork instance with few rows: ~120ms
Destroy forked instance:     ~30ms