
AngularJS Editor not working

Opened this issue · 1 comments

After following the official tutorials, the plugin is not working fully. Especially the Angular editor.

What seem to have gone well so far:

  • Plugin installed without errors
  • For 'Tern', a native 'node' has been installed, /usr/local/bin/node is accessible by user
  • In Preferences, the Tern->Server has been configured to use 'Native'
  • My test project has been converted to an AngularJS project
  • Code completion works on Angular directives

What is not working:

  • The AngularJS Editor is missing in the list (using Open with...)

What I already tried:

  • To reboot the machine
  • To restart Eclipse
  • To re-install the plugin

My environment:

  • OSX Yosemite
  • Eclipse Mars
  • AngularJS Eclipse 1.1.0

The wiki is out of the date. Specific AngularJ SEditor doesn't exist more. Now you can open your HTML with standard HTML Editor.