
Anjular Install error

Opened this issue · 6 comments

pr144 commented

When I drag/drop to install I get the following error..

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: AngularJS Eclipse (
Missing requirement: Eclipse AngularJS UI (org.eclipse.angularjs.ui requires 'bundle org.eclipse.wst.html.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: AngularJS Eclipse (
To: org.eclipse.angularjs.ui []

I suggest you that you download Eclipse JEE Mars

pr144 commented

I tried the Eclipse marketplace and it only show Angular 1.1 for Eclipse Luna...

Does Eclipse JEE Mars support Angular 2?


@pr144 I'm a little lost. I though your problem was about installation and not for Angular2 feature.

AngularJS Eclipse depends on WTP HTML Editor that you can have when you download Eclipse JEE mars. If you download Eclipse JEE Mars, you will already have the WTP HTML Editor and it will fix your problem of your issue.

Eclipse Marketplace provide the installation of the released AngularJS Eclipse (today release is 1.1.0) and snapshot is 1.2.0. I suggest you that you install 1.2.0 (with update site) which provides

AngularJS Eclipse is only for Angular1. For Angular2 I have started a new project

Today you can install which provides completion, hover, validation hyperlink for typescript.

pr144 commented

My problem is I have Eclipse Luna configured for Jython development. I was hoping to update Luna and have both Angular and Jython in that Eclipse version.

I am not sure if the Jython libraries I need to use are compatible with Mars. If they are I may just migrate to Mars...from what you are saying it seems that would be the best way to enable Angular 2


i have mars.2 installed my machine and installed the plugin from eclipse marketplace which went thru successfully
Followed the configuration to the Tee and things were looking fine as could see all the modules etc.

howeever when i am trying to open an html file with angular content it is not recognising the angular markups
Also i dont see any angular editor in the list of editors available
Please help

@vivekjain11 should help you. Please note that Eclipse Neon improve WTP Validator with extension point to not validated custom attribute/element. Once Neon will be available, I will commit my work and "HTML Angular Syntax Validator" will not exists more. It will work directly with standard "HTML Syntax Validator".

Also i dont see any angular editor in the list of editors available

Today it's the standard HTMl Editor from WTP which is used.