
Phonecat in AngularJS-Eclipse, and 'bower'

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello Angello Zerr.

I tried to use Eclipse-Neon with Angularjs-Eclipse plugin, to make the
Angular-Phonecat tutorial working in Eclipse.

I cannot decide how to provide unresolved 'bower_components', that are required in index.html.

<title>Google Phone Gallery</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="**bower_components**/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css" />
<script                          src="**bower_components/**jquery/dist/jquery.js"></script>

Can npm in AngularJS-Eclipse be configured, to invoke 'bower' ??

I tried also Project. "Run As" Bower-Install, this gave:
'bower' is not recognized as an internal or external command,

Any Idea welcome.

Kind regards
I. Pea

On Windows 10, I installed node.js (containing npm) and also bower (npm install -g bower).
Git installation was also needed.
angular-phonecat/bower.json ( run-as bower-install, works :-)

How does one now, start execution of this thing ?

This issue is about bower which comes from Eclipse Neon, please post your question to Eclipse forum. Thanks