
A (tiny) library for finding rational approximations to arbitrary functions, using nonlinear least squares!


In a Julia REPL, type

julia>]add https://github.com/angeris/RationalApproximations.jl

Example usage

To approximate the function exp(-x^2) in the range [-2, 2] with degree-three polynomials in the numerator and denominator, you can write:

using RationalApproximations

x = range(-2, 2, length=100)
f(x) = exp(-x^2)

# Fit a rational approximation with degree 3 in the numerator and 3 in the denominator
poly = fit(x, f.(x), 3, 3)

# 0.7788007830714049
value(.5, poly)
# 0.7616562869126146

You can, of course, plot the approximation against the true value:

plot of the output

(If you want better approximations, use higher degrees! ;)