
Basic grunt/assemble tasks

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  • Add basic .gitignore
  • Set up basic package.json
  • Set up Grunt basics (load tasks, structure etc)
  • Use jsbeautifier
  • Set jshint to check Gruntfile
  • Do jshint properly (look at options in .jshintrc, see code smell and travis)
  • Basic copy
  • Add clean
  • Add connect, watch and newer (see grunt tips and tricks)
  • Determine src and dist file structures (what about .styl to css?)


  • stylus task
  • autoprefixer task
  • Check autoprefixer config and make sensible default
  • combine media queries task and sample mq
  • Avoid Stylus underscores if possible. Ugly!
  • Automatically import stylus modules in main.styl, save manual additions? No, commenting them out is useful.
  • Template Stylus @import structure


  • Add favicon and touch, copy
  • Add robots.txt, copy


  • Add assemble task (don't forget to change loadGruntTasks option to pattern: ['grunt-*', 'assemble'])
  • Set up Handlebars layout and partials
  • Use JSON for sitewide (eg. site title, language) and structured (eg. lists of links) data
  • JSHint and JSBeautifier should also check JSON
  • Use Markdown for text content
  • Header and footer partials
  • Error page
  • Styleguide page


  • Add jQuery
  • Copy scripts
  • Use Groundskeeper to remove console.log(). Add an example in core.js
  • Set up Modernizr build (use dev version for dev, only build for production - faster)
  • Expand JS tasks to also watch production files