
RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

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When using angr to get the VFG for an odex file, it always gives the error: claripy.errors.ClaripyRecursionError: Recursion limit reached. Sorry about that.

The test code is shown below:

import angr

def check(binary_path):
proj = angr.Project(binary_path, use_sim_procedures=True, default_analysis_mode='symbolic_approximating', auto_load_libs=False)
cfg = proj.analyses.CFGEmulated(keep_state=True, start = 0x4ee140)
vfg = proj.analyses.VFG(cfg, function_start=0x4ee140, context_sensitivity_level=2, interfunction_level=4, remove_options={angr.options.OPTIMIZE_IR})

if name == 'main':
test_program = './odex_file'

It repeats the following operations for the ldr instruction "ldr x20, [x19,#288]":
Screenshot from 2021-01-22 13-42-36

The error is:

Screenshot from 2021-01-22 13-45-45

The odex file used is also attached:

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