
Ansible Galaxy now lints, and this role fails lints

angstwad opened this issue · 2 comments

Until this passes Galaxy lints, this role will not be updated in Galaxy.

INFO Starting import: task_id=259274, repository=angstwad/docker.ubuntu
INFO Content search - Looking for file "apb.yml"
INFO Content search - Looking for top level role metadata file
WARNING [role] Found "categories" in metadata. Update the metadata to use "galaxy_tags" rather than categories.
INFO [role] Linting...
ERROR [role] ./defaults/main.yml:105:1: [error] too many blank lines (1 > 0) (empty-lines)
Task "259274" failed: Lint failed

There was indeed a duplicated blank line at end of file
Hope this is sufficient :)

@plaurin84 thanks, it was just that easy. I was gonna wait to get ansible-lint running myself, but you've saved me the trouble. I guess their linting requirements are new, and I have all my editors set to add/keep a blank line at the end of files on save 😕