
WRITETIME access at cell level?

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I've been trying to find a way to access WRITETIME from cassandra (field) into pyspark. Am I looking at the right place? I can't seem to find a way to do this...

@cadupont can you try the dse-driver

pip install dse-driver

and try to get the writetime by using :
print session.execute("SELECT WRITETIME (date) FROM mykeyspace.temp WHERE date = '2017-12-01' ALLOW FILTERING;")

code snippet to test with cassandra:

from dse.cluster import Cluster
cluster = Cluster(contact_points=['localhost'])
session = cluster.connect('system')
print session.execute("SELECT WRITETIME (date) FROM mykeyspace.temp WHERE date = '2017-12-01' ALLOW FILTERING;")

@anguenot : Any plan to add the writetime functionality in the future.